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Containing Johnny Manziel, Smart Move or Not?

After the Cleveland Browns created buzz around the NFL with the selection of Quarterback Johnny Manziel in the 2014 NFL Draft, the same buzz is turning into scrutiny.

The Browns have proceeded with their plan to develop Johnny Manziel, a plan that includes having Manziel told he is the backup, and limiting media access. Many have criticized the Browns for this process, stating that Manziel is the key to Cleveland’s future, and needs to be let loose.

But are the Browns really doing anything wrong?

The key word in their plan for Manziel is DEVELOPMENT. Coming out of the draft, Manziel was still noted to have parts of his game that need development. From being able to stay in the pocket, to mechanics, Manziel would benefit the most from being able to develop these knocks into strengths for rest of his NFL Career.

The Browns knew who they were taking in the draft, and knew that they needed to work with him on some key aspects in his game to get him ready for the NFL. They also knew of the persona they were bringing in as well.

By limiting media access, the Browns assure that Manziel can focus on developing his game. Without media outlets contending for interview, Manziel can focus on his game and molding it for the NFL.

It is also important to note that Manziel has only had roughly two weeks worth of learning the playbook. No matter what Quarterback any franchise brings in, it takes time to learn every single play, and be able to break down the play well to coaches.

The Browns are strictly sticking to their plan, and seem to shrug off any pressure that the media and fans bring to them.

Many want to see Manziel completely take over the team, but the Browns are setting the stage for him to earn the job, and develop his skills first. However, the Browns know of Manziel’s competitive nature, which is one of the reasons they drafted him. With the Browns containing Manziel, they are assuring his game first develops to where it needs to be before letting him officially take the reigns as the face of the franchise.

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